Sunday, October 10, 2010

Reality bites.

Did anyone of you have felt what really a "reality bite" is??

Remember the girl I was talking about? The girl that move to a different city with her family? Well I told her before that I like her and I want to know her more, and I told her that I want to keep my friendship with her and hoping that things will not change. And i told her its ok if you don't like me back.

Her answer?? "why me?? there are a lot of girls who will make you happy." And after that conversation we still chat to each other with no strings attach just like before.

But suddenly this "like thingy" topic was brought out again recently, oh man! this is the second time that i told her that I like her, and my heart was like a drum beat just like the first time! And still her reaction was the same as before.

Well did you feel it??